So I’ve been on holiday in America for the past month, which has been fantastic, but has left my stomach & digestive system in turmoil. Way too much drinking, not enough sleep and eating out all the time will do that to you at 33 I guess. I’ve gotten heartburn off an on for the past 4 years – it started out of nowhere and just never seemed to go away. Except months of respite I would always get after a juice cleanse. It would always pop back up at the worst of times; festivals, weddings, holidays, but, then again, when I deserved it most due to my recent eating & drinking habits. This time was no different and I despair that having met up with so many people, what they are going to remember about me this time, is HEARTBURN.
At the tail end of my trip it started to get really bad and then on the day I left I felt as though I had something, probably a vitamin since I had been taking copious amounts of them to keep me in barely there health, lodged in my throat. Then my throat started to hurt, quite a lot. And as I thought back over the recent heartburn I was thinking it felt strange – that it hurt more on the way down my throat that after I had swallowed. By the time I got back to London I was concerned enough to make a doctor’s appointment.
Then, as you do, I began a google search and it sounded like acid reflux – basically heartburn on steroids. Then I came across this article. Somehow it all began to make perfect sense. The things I was eating or drinking at a particular moment weren’t giving me heartburn, I could just feel them more on my injured esophagus. Then I got to the juicing part and the fact that I would always have months of respite after a juice cleanse fit in perfect. I had also noticed I had less heartburn during my 2 week gluten free stint, I thought this guy must know what he’s talking about.
So here I am, home for 48 hours: no alcohol, no gluten, no dairy, no refined flour or sugar, some digestive enzymes & a couple fresh juices; including this fabulous carrot one I’m drinking right now, and it’s almost completely healed! I’ve downloaded his article, donated to him, read it and am going to do my best to follow his advice because so far it seems to be working! Of course I’m on my way to Field View Festival right now so we’ll see how that goes but once I’m back…